Friday, April 27, 2007


Being home on bed rest has really got me moving on finished objects. I would post more pictures but dial up makes it very hard to upload more than 2. So far I have finished Kara's red and pink socks. These pics were taken before she went to school today. After school she says that she had to show off her new socks at show and tell. They are Regia crazy colors. She loves them. I finished them last night while I could not sleep. It seems that all of my sleepind done during the day kept me up all night despite the narcotics. These socks are just a plain vanilla pattern. I have used in the past. I made them slightly on the long side for her feet since it is April now and I know she will not be wearing them much before summer. I hope she will be able to wear them all next winter. (the other girls also requested the same sock but I find that to be boring.)

Today I finished the drawstring baby pants from last minute knitted gifts. I had already joined the legs so all I had to do was the diaper area, sew down the waist band and make the drawstring. They turned out really well. I now want to order some more knit picks shine sport for a sweater to go with the pants. The pants are the grass color so I am thinking cream for the sweater and maybe some socks as well. The baby shower is tentaively set for June 3rd. I. have. time.

I also cast on and finished a cell phone case using up the scraps of regia this afternoon. It only took 1 and 1/2 hour to do. Very simple.

I also pulled out the jaywalkers that I started last month. Sock one is now at the toe decreases. I hope to finish it before bed tonight. Not quite sure if I will cast on numer two or not. I really want to cast on for some tidal wave socks with tofutsies instead. I am just not loving the Jaywalkers color.

I should really work on my ariann sweater but I think I lost that mojo for a while.

I am really amazed with the amount I have accomplished in the last two days seeings as I had surgery and all. I think it is the drugs. I feel great. Just a little stiff from sitting so much but I was doing lots of that before. Maybe it is just the knowledge that I need to keep moving to get better that is keeping me from sleeping. Anyhow my doc wrote me a slip to be off unitl next week monday May 7th. I think I will go stir crazy to be home that long. And then to be on restrictions for another 3 weeks at work will make life not fun for me.

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