Sunday, February 18, 2007

It's 6 o'clock already!?!?!?!

That was how I felt this moring when I was awoke by the cries of my 6 year old. She has had a headache and fever for two days but no other syptoms. She slept well all night but awoke in pain. I was glad that she slept because my 4 year old did not. She is having some sleep apnea which wakes her up so she sleeps with me most nights. (but she kicks in her sleep so I do not get much rest) She will be having her tonsills out next month which I hope corrects the problem. I took the 6 year old to the ER this morning since her temp was still around 102. I was smart and brought my clementine shawl which I swatched last night. It looks great. I am really liking this pattern. I have never did any lace projects before so this is fun.

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