Wednesday, March 14, 2007

SP10 Questionaire continued

I'm not sure what happended to these answers the first time around but i'll try again. Thanks for your e-mail supersock. I did not even realize they were missing. Have fun yarn shopping. Once my kids are healthy again I hope to get more me time for knitting. Very little knitting this week. Next week is surgery so there should be some waiting room knitting and I have 5 days off of work so I hope to make progress.

17. How old is your oldest UFO? My oldest was 6 years. (I knit a baby sweater for my oldest daughter but never sewed up the seams) This weekend I pulled it out and finished it. It won't fit her but I have LOTS of baby showers coming up at work. So one gift done. Besides that my next oldest is 3 years old. It is a bohus sweater for myself. After starting it I put on some weight and I know it will not fit so no desire to finish yet. It is up to the yoke so not too much left to go.

18. What is your favorite holiday? I love Christmas time, but I really enjoy any holiday which allows all of the family to be together.

19. Is there anything you collect? Besides yarn not really. My home is decorated with lots of county inspired items so I pick odds and ends up when I can. I do seem to have a book collection since our public library does not have many books of the new genre "chick lit" .

20. Any books, yarns, needles, patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have? I subscribe to Interweave Knits. I am really trying to find Barbara Walkers third treasury. I have searched all of the book stores in my area and no one has it in. I am thinking about ordering it on-line if I can find it. I have also wanted to try the knit picks options since I love addi turbos but they are soooo expensive.

21. Are there any new techniques you'd like to learn? Two handed Fair Isle and intrasia. I have avoid color work but I really want to learn how some day.

22. Are you a sock knitter? What are your foot measurements? Yes I knit socks. My foot is 9" around and about 9 3/4" long ( I wear a shoe size 7 1/2) However my calf's are bigger (12") so I always make the cuff a little bigger.

23. When is your birthday? January 22. (Î just had my 30th )

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